Attraction is a Reflex


By Charisma Arts

Feeling physically attracted to someone is a reflex. It’s like when the doctor taps your leg under the kneecap and your shin kicks out.

There’s no reason to suppress your reflexes.

Just the other day we met an Australian girl. “You’re very pretty,” we said. “We’re charmed by you. We’re under your spell.”

She blushed.

We were not hitting on her. We were expressing our attraction.

Hitting on someone is the act of trying to make something happen. People usually think of showing attraction as the equivalent of hitting on someone. But we are free to separate them if we want.

“By the way. We’re not hitting on you. We wouldn’t do that unless we knew your situation.”

“What would you want to know?” she’ll ask.

“The works. If you were in a happy relationship we’d suggest something different than if you were completely single or just broken up last weekend.”

“Oh. How would you hit on someone in a happy relationship?”

“We would go for the friend close. ‘We think it would be excellent if we were to be friends’. That’s what we would say.”

“But that is after you have hit on me.”

“No. It’s before. Showing attraction isn’t the same as hitting on you. We haven’t hit on you because we don’t know yet how to hit on you.”

“I see. And if I were single?”

“This must be tailored of course. Everyone’s version of single is different.”

“Yes. But what sort of thing would you say to hit on me?”

“We may suggest making our way back to our flat and spending the night making love.”

“All of us?”


“And does this work?”

“Work? What do you mean? When we say it, it is the right thing for the right person at the right time. There can be nothing better. We know this so we can put our soul behind it. We can go ‘all in’.”

“And is this always accepted?”

“It’s pondered very well.”

“And now what?”

“We find you beautiful, but what of your life? Where are you at? Who has your loyalty?”

“I’m loyal to myself and no other. I’m free to travel, seek adventure.”

“Then let us be about adventure. Going somewhere and pretending we are characters and perhaps end up at our place with a glass of wine. You are single and life is short. We want to give you pleasant memories to look back on when you are one day not so free.”

“This sounds inviting.”

“It’s mutually beneficial, given your situation.”

“You make a good case.”

“Take our hand then and let’s see what can be done.”

“I feel nervous.”

“That’s normal when you face your desire.”

“Okay. I’m ready. Let’s make some memories.”